Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Love Day!

Happy Love Day!! (a week late)
There are many different opinions when it comes to Feb. 14th. Here's mine, i LOVE Valentines Day. I think it is as commercialised as you make it. It doesn't have to be all about the girl like some people make it out to be. Who cares if your husband is sweet to you all the other 365 days of the year. I think it is an amazing day set aside for spending quality time and attention to those you love. It doesn't have to be full of fancy, or pricey gifts. Something as simple as dinner with candles and a romantic evening full of love, attention, and affection is all you really need.... (and maybe a flower, and a night full of kissing)
And that is exactly how we celebrated!
I'm soooo blessed to share my love with such an AMAZING and thoughtful husband! He truly is the very best thing that ever happened to me!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Those of you who grew up with me know that my all time favorite eye make-up remover is Vaseline. For sleep overs, cheerleading competitions, and formal dances, it was a staple. Vaseline is pretty random and common right?! The best part is its cheap and sold everywhere! It even comes in travel sizes!

I have found that it is the most gentle remover you will ever lay your hands on. Not only does it not irritate my eyes, it gently removes mascara (even waterproof) with out doing damage to my lashes in the process. You all should try it! Just be careful you don't get it all over your face. Some websites claim that it won't clog your pores but I'm not so sure about that. =)

So here are my top 5 favorite uses for Vaseline! Try them out and let me know what you think!

1. My favorite use is for taking off your eye make-up at night. Rub the smallest amount on your lashes and then wipe it off with warm water. Your mascara or false eyelashes seriously slide right off! Plus the Vaseline leaves a healthy, conditioning layer on your lashes while you sleep!

2. Try using it to soften dry and cracked elbows/hands.

3. Use it to soften dry cuticles.

4. For kissable, luscious lips, spread some on your lips overnight as well!

5. You can use it to prevent spray-tan streaks: Rub all over the backs of your knees, ankles and hands to fight frightening spray tan lines.